The name found in early English translations are Iesous and Iesus which are transliterations of Greek and Latin words. Gian Giorgio was the first to distinguish the difference between the letter "J" and the letter "I" in 1524. The first English-language book to make clear distinction between the sound of "i" and the sound of "j was written in 1634. It wasn't until then, after the 1611 KJV Bible was published, that the English language officially accepted the shape and sound of the letter "j" as "jay" and no longer the "yuh" "y" sound.[i] 

So, the reason we
 call him “Yeshua” isbecause that was his name.




Why call him Yeshua instead of Jesus?

Today, we are awash in a sea of theologies, mythologies, belief systems, allegations, accusations, traditions and endless personal opinions about Jesus: what he is/was, who he thought he was, his mission,  who his followers believed he was, why he is relevant or irrelevant to life today, etc.

At the extreme edges of the conflicts produced by those questions are groups with beliefs like these:

(1) People who are absolutely sure that Jesus is the one and only God, the Creator of the universe and the words of their Bibles are the inerrant and infallible truths.

(2) People who are absolutely sure the Jesus never existed and the words of the Bible are pure fiction.

Amazing as it may seem, we believe that using the Guidelines & Study Models of the Real Yeshua Project  are activities that benefit those at both extremes --it brings them closer together and makes it possible to form mutually beneficial relationships.

Jim Myers first began seriously and professionally studying Jesus thirty-six years ago when he became a pastor. For the last thirty-two years he has been doing research on Yeshua. What’s the difference between Jesus and Yeshua?

The person we read about in the Gospels that lived during the early first century CE in Galilee and traveled around Samaria and Judea preaching and teaching was named “Yeshua.”

The name “Jesus” didn’t appear in a book until the 17th century CE. It wasn’t even in the first version of the King James Bible which was published in 1611